Monday, January 11, 2010

Scanning Slides Resolution I Want To Scan Negatives And Slides...?

I want to scan negatives and slides...? - scanning slides resolution

I want a good resolution and good results. What I saw in stores, varying a regular scanner does not give me the quality I'm looking for. Furthermore, I'm not ruining the purchase of certain machines with several thousand dollars. Comments?


GiantPan... said... I have to do it for me. They have a high-end scanner. If you are interested, restoration and painting. You can learn more about this company under

Pooky said...

A dedicated film / slide scanner should not cost much. I have the old HP scanner (in stock since I digital) - and has worked well. I think he was scanning up to 2400 dots per inch, and each "scan" is large - more than 30 MB or less any situation.

Here is another brand at Costco. ...

Cindy H said...

I have an Epson that scanning negatives or slides and does a good job, but I think the most important part is the post-treatment (which we do not remove / clean the picture after it is checked). Adobe Photoshop Elements is an excellent choice and relatively inexpensive.

Check the search results ...

Steve P said...

I use a Canon CanoScan 8600F. It has inserts for medium-format films, which I also scanned. Is this a decent job for a flat surface, but of course not the truth Nikon Coolscan 9000 film scanner. But there is a possibility, high-quality Nikon scans very low cost. The only charge is that it may take a few months back for scans. Scan Cafe offers an incredible price. The scanning itself takes on the sea.
Visit and you can find a good alternative, at least if not in a hurry! ...


dillontr... said...

One of my favorite photo sites is the bra. Scanners Check this link, you will end up paying about $ 300 for a decent apartment. ...

dillontr... said...

One of my favorite photo sites is the bra. Scanners Check this link, you will end up paying about $ 300 for a decent apartment. ...

Iris R said...

I have an Epson Perfection V750 Pro, which has done a great job.

tom n said...

Do a flatbed scanner, Canon 8800F or Epson V750 is a reasonable job. In this way, you can browse pictures of good quality for the web and examine the evidence. For serious matters, but sent to a lab with a scanner Imacon or drum scanner. I use the 8800F, scanning at 2400 dpi, photos, and if I OT big, send me a good analysis. No digital camera can cover the quality of a good or scan, including the 120 film.

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