Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can Plan B Make You Pee More Does Plan B Make You Pee A Lot?

Does Plan B make you pee a lot? - can plan b make you pee more

Since I have taken a few days ago, I had to pee like never before. I go to the bathroom and literally 3 minutes after I go again. I have to go the only way to be a ton, that when I have time. Finally, I must go.


Anonymous said...

Could an infection Uriney

Anonymous said...

Could an infection Uriney

Anonymous said...

Not when I took it. You can of course had unprotected sex, if you need the morning after pill and maybe you should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Frequent urination, sounds like a urinary tract infection. This could be a case in Benin, no pain. And urinary tract infections can also be a symptom of infection with chlamydia or gonorrhea or other. If you think you can get a urinary tract infection AZO tablets to stop for a while until you see your doctor. They are fine, but you have to go to a clinic, or ask your doctor.

Anonymous said...

No, Plan B, it must not urinate more often. But he could mess with your cycle a bit. You can still read the brochure that accompanies the plan B. It describes in detail the side effects of drugs .. And the frequent urination is not one of them.

Perhaps you have a bladder infection? Sometimes a sense of urgency can lead [how] much urinate.

If things do not improve, talk to a doctor.

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